Thank you for buying THEBIRD coin. It's purchase funds the creation of industrial divisions of The Bird Corporation including the Energy sector. Our progress into renewable energy is gaining steam with the adoption of an industry specific cryptocurrency funding project targeting OTEC Energy. On July 10, 2022, The Bird Corporation created a new industry specific cryptocurrency which will fund all Bird OTEC projects. The name of this coin is called OTEC. This new OTEC coin will add a slight fee on each transaction and assign 3% of that fee into research and development of renewable energy OTEC projects that benefit world populations.
The world need energy from new reliable sources. We need to harness that energy, store it, and deliver it in a new way. That's where BirdOTEC and The Bird Blockchain comes in. Our blockchain energy integration will lower overall production costs, improve storage and delivery systems, and make payments to customers from profit sharing pools. In the near future our energy systems will be the world's first social electric systems designed to create free energy for the user. BirdOTEC will create alternative energy systems eliminating the need for fossil fuels. We create energy from the power of the sea and share that power with you.
The science for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion has been there for decades. The probem is funding. Welcome to cryptocurrency. The Bird Corporation is dedicating OTEC cryptocurrency to one cause, funding OTEC. Every time someone buys or sells OTEC they are building new electricial systems offshore that generate endless power.
Creating energy is one part of an energy company, the other is storage and delivery. The Bird Corporation is preparing to deploy a prototype of a new battery cell for home and vehicle applications. The Bird Corporation plans to make a large investment in power cell development in 2023 and will be moving forward with this production should the initial tests prove successful. The Talon Battery Cell System will be created at a new plant in Nevada. The Bird Corporation will offer power systems through government agencies and private company sales.
Over the last 10 years solar power has become an acceptable form of electricity. Skilled do-it-yourselfers create mini power stations to run their off-grid homes - rich home buyers install solar panels across their roofs. The power generated from these panels can be pumped back into the grid or stored in battery cells. The Bird Corporation is working on new solar collection solutions which will collect energy even on cloudy days. Our blockchain efficiency tracking mechanism assures customers are getting the maximum usage for each watt generated.
The Bird Corporation is reinventing wind power and making it sexy. We have several wind projects in the works. One plan would install 14 wind farm projects off the east coast of The United States and along the Gulf Coast. These wind projects will be funded by the sale of a different project specific cryptocurrency (ex). Energy from the wind farms will be pumped into the electrical grid free of charge to lower the overall cost of electricity in that region, and a portion of the profits will be paid to (ex) coin holders. Construction of these offshore energy plants will be done by Bird Construction.
We are also developing a new kind of wind turbine. It is a multi-armed rotary turbine and collection device that can generate power from the slightest breeze. These turbines can be installed on current power poles or on giant wind farms offshore. Our wind collection devices use nano-hair collection fibers which grab energy from winds as slight as .025 mph and convert that energy into electricity for homes and industry.
Deep inside the earth geothermal energy is waiting to power the Earth. The Bird Corporation is following the models already in operation in Iceland to create new geothermal projects across the planet. These projects will use the intense heat of the earth to move giant turbine plants which will create an endless amount of free power to communities attached to the Bird Thermal Power Grid. Projects are funded by cryptocurrency trading. Coin holders receive reflections from other traders, profits fund costs of generation.