When we think of living in space, we usually conger up thoughts of living our lives on another planet. It turns out that life in space over the next 20 years will most likely take the form of families working and living in giant space habitats that orbit the earth. We know that orbital space colonies are possible, and Bird Aerospace of Nevada is making their development our prime directive.


The Bird Orbital Space Station (BOSS) will be large enough to be seen with the naked eye. It will be the largest identifiable object in the night sky. The orbit of the BOSS will match the moon's rotation of the earth so prepare to see "two moons". The BOSS station is a commercial space settlement. People will live, work, play, and eventually raise families in this spherical spaceship.

The BOSS stores cryogenic fuel and oxygen made from the Earth's water. Upon completion, the BOSS could venture out into deep space with this colony of explorers. This spacecraft plans to grow food and build energy cells from solar energy and waste. It will be navigated and controlled by ground control and AI and supported by artificial gravity. You as a colonist will be able to walk around the space station - not float around in zero gravity.

Traveling to and from the BOSS station will be provided by our transportation partners. Location of the BOSS station will be placed in orbit a few hundred miles from Earth. Short commute times will allow for day workers. Space tourists can book holidays in pods offered by the Earth's best hoteliers. Complete medical facilities will be included on the BOSS station with surgical robots and on-site physicians and nursing staff. Our Botanist's hope to fill our ships garden with the Earths flowers and trees and food crops to make this spacecraft appear somewhat natural to the human eye.


This is Aerospace designed and funded by private sector companies like The Bird Corporation. Today our Aerospace division is working on new ways to clear low-earth orbit of debris and space junk and build the world's first space manufacturing facilities and fuel depot. Our engineers and production team will send a fleet of space mining craft into deep space on rotational ISRU missions, and our Robotic (DZRS) construction crews will create lunar habitats, a refueling station, and emergency stop-over facility. Ultimately all these projects will fund the DRO station, a large commercial space hub in orbit around the moon.